
Restaurant Rio Selva Resort, La Paz, Bolivia

The Dinner will offer participants a relaxing and enjoyable evening to unwind after a full day of summit activities. This gathering provides the perfect setting for informal networking,


Restaurant Rio Selva Resort, La Paz, Bolivia

The Breakfast session will provide participants with a calm and welcoming environment to start the day. This informal gathering allows attendees to enjoy a morning meal while engaging


Restaurant Rio Selva Resort, La Paz, Bolivia

The Lunch session will offer participants a relaxed break in the midst of the summit's activities. It provides a chance to enjoy a meal while continuing to network

Debrief and Discussion panel Ariel Urquidi and Carlos Valdez

Auditorium Rio Selva Resort, Coroico, La Paz, Bolivia

The Debrief and Discussion Panel with Ariel Urquidi and Carlos Valdez will provide an interactive platform for participants to reflect on key insights from the summit. This session